High quality business cards are the foundation of any great business. Anyone could start a “good” business, but without the basic marketing tools of things like full color printing, for flyers, and Bulletins, and cheap leaflet printing for door to door type sales, your business will cease to be great. It’s all about keeping in touch with your clients, and without any kind of printing services, nobody will know who you are.
As far as promoting your business, any kind of printing service is an absolute necessity. While it may not seem like a big step forward, and yes, the internet is a huge platform for marketing, nothing can compare with your own personal creativity as far as outdoor marketing. Outdoor marketing meaning the basic biz cards, leaflets, and printed materials. Full colour printing, in contrast to basic black and white printing, is the base that any small business needs to start out.
Just think about it, if you have a business card that is laying around your house that’s printed in black and white, you are simply less likely to look use it as opposed to the business card that is mostly black with big golden letters on the front. It simply sticks out more.
While you may be thinking “it’s not worth the extra cost” do an experiment, give out color business cards to people you know, and black and white ones to people you don’t, or vice versa, and we will see who calls you more often.
H/T Source: EzineArticles.com